Saturday, June 30, 2012

XinVee's Early Birthday Dinner

All smiles, hyper and friendly are just a few words to describe XinVee. She's one of the few people I know whom smiles all the time. I think it's been 2 years since we became close friends and we have shared many great moments together ever since. Baking donuts, sneaking me into the clubhouse to workout together with Wan Jin, camwhoring, the list goes on and on. Yesterday, a few of us got together to have an early birthday bash for her around Taipan. This is what we got up to.

So, we have a tradition where one of the male would have to swallow up a weird mixture of all the food we ordered during the birthday celebration. Our victim this time around was Aril! We mixed chocolate cake, chili sauce, a hint of pepsi and some mushroom soup on a slice of pizza. In a way, it's also done to finish up any leftovers. We all pray he's tummy is strong enough as he has had even weirder mixtures. And that he won't have to lock himself up in the bathroom the next day! Haha.

Aril : Mmm, it's actually not bad. *After a few seconds* Oh, the aftertaste is BAD!

Had a great time laughing away at every single thing said with the bunch. Happy early birthday to XinVee! Cheers to many more years of friendship! (:

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