Sunday, May 6, 2012

REAL Kids Sport's Day

The day started of great with the sun up in the sky as we took our place at Stadium MBPJ. My banana raspberry smoothie in one hand and a portable fan in the other. My family and I were all geared up for a hot, humid morning shared with adorable kids and supportive families. The Guest of Honour, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah arrived at 9am. She gave a wonderful speech and declared open the event. The children marched in behind a live marching band (I forgot which school were they from, sorry!) whom performed well. I really enjoyed the march as they took their respective places in the field. They then sang the 1 Malaysia and REAL Kids song whilst dancing! It was so adorable! After that, they dismissed to tents by the side of the field to get ready for the main activity. The activities started with Pre 1 followed by Pre 2. However, when it reached Pre 3 student's turn, rain started to pour. The organizers finally decided to call it off after 10 minutes of heavy shower. 5 minutes later, the rain stopped. Oh how delightfully unpredictable the weather in Malaysia can be! Unfortunately my brother, Dylan was in Pre 3. So, he didn't get to show us what he has been preparing and practicing for this past few months. Oh well, I knew he would've do us proud either way (:
 Banana and strawberry smoothie
 Opening ceremony
Spot my mum and Dylan (the little boy in yellow raincoat). Haha!

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