Monday, January 21, 2013

Scented Candles and Fresh Flowers

There is just something therapeutic about scented candles and fresh flowers in a room. There will definitely be a change of ambiance in a room with just the subtle smell of a burning scented candle in the corner and the vivid colour of a living plant on a tabletop. Lately I've been obsessed with scented candles and how it makes a room smell so so sooooo good. Just watching it burn and create a perfect little circle at the top brings me a sense of calmness.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Coincidentally Coordinated


Some may say siblings have a certain connection and I have to agree with that in this situation! My brother and I were wearing matching outfit colours by chance the other day. We both walked towards the living room after getting dressed to head out, stared at each other and burst out laughing. And so we moved on to having a picture taking spree with the treadmill to celebrate this event. Moving on, am I the only one having a little tiny obsession towards sunflowers? I find their bright yellow petals and perfectly brown middle so gorgeous. They ought to be appreciated more.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Langkawi, Kedah

I also got to visit Langkawi last December holidays. It was nice going to an island to enjoy a change of scenery from the everyday traffic and city lights. We took a propeller aircraft (my first time on one) with Firefly and I would say it wasn't bad at all. I've heard complaints of the engine being too noisy throughout the journey but I thought it was bearable considering I got a gorgeous view from a high altitude. I wasn't the only one excited to enjoy the warm sand on my bare feet and the sound of waves crashing onto the rocks on this vacation. My brother was also thrilled but not for the same reason as me. He was promised chocolates! You will soon see the damage we made there. Hahaha so, here are some photos from our trip to Langkawi.

We went for the mangrove tour on our second day. On the way, our boat driver showed us some of the uniquely shaped rocks around the island.

 Can you see that it is shaped like a turtle? :D
 Pulau Kasut, the island is shaped like a shoe
 The man's face in the middle                              The baby's face at the bottom 

 As promised, my brother got to buy back some chocolates. Oh, we didn't go overboard there. Just the usual chocolate shopping of a 7 year old. No big deal.