Sunday, September 9, 2012

REAL Kids SS19 Concert - Cuteness Overload!

My brother, Dylan graduated from preschool today. The graduation together with the annual concert took place at SJK(C) Chee Wen. There were so many pretty young ladies and handsome little men around. Not to mention adorable toddlers that were crying out for their mummy and daddy, refusing to go on stage. They manage to pull through and do their own thing on the stage though! My mum and I couldn't help but to giggle at them. We tried keeping in our giggles but soon the giggles just turned into loud laughter. Oh so cute! It's weird how a child can make your day and put a smile on your face, just by being themselves. Overall, it has been a great Sunday for me (: I'll let the pictures take over now..

 Dylan's bling bling costume!
 Some of the many teacher's who worked hard nurturing the children and putting the concert together.
 The welcome speech in 4 different languages.

 Those were all the performances for today. Aren't they all looking so adorable in their costumes? :D
My look for today.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Web To Spin

Trials has been ongoing for a month now and it is no fun, at all. It was alright at first but then it got tiring. Too much of exams and sitting down can take a toll on someone. I think my hair is falling from the increasing stress level! *gasps* And I am only an SPM candidate, no PhD on the way. (Haha!) I keep telling myself I will pull through but recently I was in doubt. Today, I stumbled upon this photo I took while in New Zealand last year. The spider worked hard, spinning it's web to have dinner. I too will spin my own web to get the good results I'm aiming for.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Photo Diary..

We were at Curve when we spotted this sampan and decided to have a little fun with it, sing a little 'row, row, row your boat' while letting our imaginations run free.

 Some sweet, fresh watermelons from an orchard in Malacca.

Tasha's Hari Raya open house.

The sunset view from Usj12.

Stuff Dylan do that makes me smile (: